Correction Deed It is the form of deed that conveys or releases any interest that the grantor may have acquired in real property. Title companies and lenders have had concerns with this type of deed if found in chain of title of properties./div>
Preliminary Change of Ownership form (PCOR) TThis form is used as a data entry form for the county with any transfer of property. It provides the county with all pertinent information regarding the property transfer so as to record that transfer properly. BOE-502-A
Claim for reassessment exclusion for transfer between parent and child This form is submitted to the County Assessor after a deed is recorded transferring property from parent to child or child to parent to claim eligibility for exclusion of reassessment of property taxes. BOE-58
Transfer On Death Deed (TODD) Recording it with the County Recorder’s Office, you name a person or people to receive the property upon your death – the beneficiaries. Unlike a joint tenant deed, the TODD deed can be revoked if you change your mind.
Note An extended form of an IOU from one party to another that enables a payee to receive payments, possibly with an interest rate attached, over a set period of time, ending with the date at which the entireloan is to be repaid. Loan notes are usually provided in lieu of cash at the payee's request.
Deed of trust / Mortgage An instrument that secures a debt, the repayment of the loan/mortgage encumbered by real property. This is a three party document; the borrower (trustor), the beneficiary (lender), and the trustee who holds title to real property under the terms of a deed of trust.
Substitution of Trustee A document through which the lender (beneficiary), owner, or holder of the note (loan) replaces a new Trustee in the Deed of Trust
Re-conveyance The instrument that releases the loan that was a lien against real property.
Substitution of Trustee & Full Reconveyance A combined document where the lender substitutes a new Trustee and the new trustee executes the Reconveyance or releases the loan that was a lien against real property.
Request for Notice of Default A document whereby the junior lenders require the senior lender to notify them when the borrower defaults on their loan.
Power of Attorney A document recorded to delegate the authority of the principal to his attorney-in-fact (agent) authorizing another person, to act for him/her in his/her name in a designated capacity and sign documents appropriate to the particular transaction.
Declaration of Homestead A document recorded by either a homeowner or head of household on his primary residence to protect his home from forced sale in satisfaction of certain types of creditors’ claims.
Affidavit of Death AA document recorded to verify the death and identify the decedent as a former interest holder in specifically described or referred to real property.
Mobile Home Package: Rg Crd App; Dpl Cert app; Trnsfr frm; POA
The preceding is a list of some documents that may be recorded if they meet all requirements, and a description or definition of each document. The descriptions are general and are not intended to be complete legal definitions. If you wish to use any particular document, we suggest that you consult a real estate professional or an attorney.
You are hereby instructed to prepare my documents as instructed by me. You are to make NO EXAMINATION OF ANY RECORDS. You are expressly RELIEVED OF ANY LIABILITY for the condition of title to the property and for the validity or sufficiency of my instructions. This waiver applies to all documents that accompany the documents to be recorded, including but not limited to the Preliminary Change of Ownership form and Claim for Reassessment Exclusion forms(s).
I understand that the Legal Document Assistant preparing my documents is NOT an attorney, cannot select forms and DOES NOT give legal advice. I hereby direct the Legal Document Assistant to type and perform certain services as outlined in the Contract for Services which we each executed regarding this matter. I further declare that the foregoing information which I have provided is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.
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